

the OPEN-house project

My wife and I are now starting the process of building a house. This blog will follow the project all the way through from conception to birth by:

  • keeping the house experiences and thoughts open as a resource to others
  • keeping our plans and ideas open to collaboration by the collective minds of people around the world

as we attempt to rethink the concept of a home by keeping an open mind.

I plan to reason through even the most basic decisions aloud, rather than faithfully following traditional architectural conventions. I hope for this blog to be a thinking ground for many ideas to meet, synthesizing into the perfect structure.

please join us, and I thank you for your comments and expertise.


Jason Sooter said...

I'm interested to see what you come up with!

Gamecock51 said...

My wife and I used a software package that walked us through the project. Try www.homebuildingprojectplan.com and see if it would be helpful. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I left a comment on the roof slope issue by mistake.

Your approach is interesting but the process of solving each issue in a vacuum is unlikely to result in a well designed comfortable house for your family.

An hour or two with an architect discussing the best design path could save you a lot of time, trouble, and pain.